Welcome to my blog! Here you will find a new film reviewed every week on Fridays. I will also occasionally post other media related stuff in between the reviews. Please note that I will not be reviewing yesterday’s box office hit very often…we’ll mostly be looking at DVDs.
I’m a filmmaker / film critic. I review films with the story and the craft in mind. I also write from a Christian worldview. As far as personal taste, I will usually take story and theme over action. I like a film to take its time to develop characters and plot.
Note that I may let spoilers slip out occasionally. I will try to gray out potential spoilers
Please do not view these reviews as recommendations. There are aspects of some whereby I can’t do a universal recommendation. And there are occasionally scenes in movies that I have personally avoided. Also, having my favorite directors and talent listed here on the sidebar does not grant that I like, or have seen, all their work.